In Senza categoria by Amministrazione Outline

With three pavilions (3, 5 and 7), more than 450 exhibitors, a rich training program with more than 100 appointments and an increasing international representativeness, SAFETY 2017 returns to Fiera Milano from 15 to 17 November.

This edition confirms it as one of the industry’s leading events in Europe, a facilitator of innovation and progress, thanks to product wealth and the wide range of solutions and application potential, a platform that facilitates business networking and evolution of a sub-sector whose technological contribution is a widely recognized value added.

In the current historical and economic context, security is an ever-increasing need to be felt at all levels, both in the public and private spheres. It is not only the answer to international terrorism that puts the issue at the forefront, but a combination of factors that sees, on the one hand, the multiplication of contexts where security activities are indispensable – from international airports to homes, shops the streets of large and small urban centers – and on the other, a changed general sensibility, more inclined to accept and require monitoring activities by adopting technologies that can best manage values, people and data, making security a transversal and indispensable element.

In this context, designers, system integrators, manufacturers and installers become actors of a complex change that invests both in technological developments in progress, integration, convergence and tailor-made solutions, and the same concept of “security” , felt today as a right for everyone and duty for those who can and must guarantee it.

This renewed need requires a network of professionals to listen to the needs of each customer and turn them into efficient, powerful, and manageable applications, possibly remotely with a smartphone.

A very strong challenge, which SECURITY has been involved in for 35 years, during which it has become a simple product showcase at a time of encounter, comparison and evolution throughout the market.


With more than 2.2 billion euros in total sales in Italy in 2016, up 5.1% on 2015 (Source: ANIE Security), the Italian security and building automation market today is more than ever busy looking for new outlets but also to discover advanced solutions for application contexts that previously were not considered sensitive.

The industry’s vitality is reflected in the forthcoming November issue with a very positive trend: + 26% of exhibitors, with an international presence of 17% (up 50% compared to last year). It is a clear signal of the growing importance of the event in Europe, favored by the shift to odd years.

An internationalization process that also goes through the increasing investments of the incoming buyer project. There will be 200 top buyers coming from 36 countries (Mediterranean basin, Balkans, Europe, Baltic countries, Middle East, North Africa) and selected for spending capability, who will come in direct contact with exhibiting companies through meetings programmed and managed by My Matching. Thanks to the system developed by Fiera Milano, in fact, exhibitors will be able to identify the profiles of interest before the event and set the events at the fair, saving time and multiplying the business opportunities.

SAFETY 2017 will provide a complete view of the market thanks to a high representation of all compartments, from video surveillance, to the presence of large international and national keyplayers, access control and intrusion with solutions for each application area. Passive security will also be the top brand in the world of lockers and safes. There is an increase in the supply of fire, both revelation and shutdown, and the area devoted to security drones is confirmed. There will also be a great presence of the Armed Forces and the Order’s Forces, which will present the most advanced security solutions they use with monitoring and safeguarding goals.


The current push towards new and more and more transversal application contexts requires dialogue with professionals outside the security world, but increasingly connected and complementary to it.

For this reason, at the same time as SAFETY, two appointments of great interest will be held that open to new technologies and new professionalism that are increasingly close to security operators.

It launches in Milan SMART BUILDING EXPO, a project realized through the collaboration between Pentastudio, a communication and marketing agency with many years of experience in the field of new telecommunications technologies, and Fiera Milano, with the aim of presenting an articulated and exhaustive view on the concept of building Network. The appointment, which will occupy part of Hall 3, and to which SECURITY visitors will be able to access with the same ticket in their possession, will offer a broad overview of vertical wiring, internet of things applications, standards for system integration, audio video and digital signage.

A rich workshop program will also provide valuable information on the innovations affecting the building on the net: the correct application of art. 135 bis of the Consolidation Act, or on the predisposition of buildings to ultra-wide bandwidth; Smart Lighting and Energy Saving Systems; vertical workshops on the different applications and training of designers to new Audio Video content; the BIM design as the main tool for the integration of the plants and for their proper maintenance.

Last but not least, will be a symbolic moment as the award ceremony for the Smart Building 2017 award to highlight and build on the concept of smart construction and addressed to buyers, designers and builders who are sensitive to the digital building revolution.

At the same time SECURITY, a two-day appointment will be held dedicated to insurance industry professionals, an increasingly synergistic sector with the security world, which is experiencing a moment of major transformation with implications for the entire sector.

In this context, the first edition of ITASSICURA is included, a conference organized by 3C Advertising, an agency specializing in the organization of events in the field, with the media partnership of Osservatorio, an online magazine dedicated to the insurance sector.

An extensive calendar of conferences, workshops and meetings that will take place at the Stella Polare Congress Center in Fiera Milano on November 16th and 17th will allow you to face, deepen, and confront on issues related to radical financial, technological, operational and environmental changes of the insurance sector.

The objective of the event is to bring insurers to meet all the affiliated market and at the same time promote a more positive image of insurance that still suffer from prejudices and negativity.

The topics of the planned conferences will range from the survey on the needs of the insured to establish effective insurance cover for new insurance marketing strategies, up to the mandatory policy for natural disasters and building security. There will be a focus on the future of insurance brokerage business in the world of e-commerce and the prospects of insurance arbitration as a tool to reduce disputes.

The event is aimed in particular at insurance groups, banks, insurance agencies, brokers, professionals, administrators of condominiums, builders and recyclers, the auto industry and all the induced derivative. All participants, in view of the synergies with the security sector and potential interest in the solutions on display, may also visit SECURITY.